
23rd August 2024:- Baker’s Wife

What a fabulous day out… I was a due to meet my Mum, two sisters (Deborah and Liz) and my niece Jessica at a certain time at London Bridge but they missed their train!! I decided to go for a little walk as you do. When I say little walk it was very little as […]

20th August 2024:- Hello Dolly (Again!)

Super excited to be seeing ‘Hello Dolly’ again. This time, I am going with my big Sister Deborah, one of my bestie’s Zoe and her daughter Lilly-Mae. It was just an amazing performance as the previous time, however for some strange reason I preferred watching from the right hand side of the theatre. Thanks Zoe

19th August 2024:- The Antwerp

8 x 1 minute on/ 1 minute off. The aim of this run is to push myself for 1 minute intervals and to work at a harder effort. To start with it is the normal 10 minute Warm-Up at a 4.2mph then we are off…. Increase the pace to 5.9mph. EEKKK I hope my legs

14th August 2024:- The Victoria

Today’s run was quite challenging as I have to run at a faster pace than my usual plod along but it is only for 4 minutes and then I get a two minute recovery pace. …….And we are off to a nice little start with a 10 minutes Warm-Up. This is a great time to

13th August 2024:- Fiddler On The Roof

Wow oh wow… definitely 5 *****. This performance was absolutely outstanding. I love Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre. There is something so magical about the place. The evening starts with the annual picnic at 6pm. It is so nice to just chill in the park catching up with friends whilst enjoying great food and drinks.

6th August 2024:- No running today….

Just wow and what a great reminder as to how tough it is for actors and dancers for keep going and wondering if they are good enough, or do they look the right way for a role. Times are changing but have they changed enough? Anyway it was a fabulous show and can’t wait to

29th July 2024:- Easy 25

Today’s training session is ‘Easy 25 minute relaxed run’… Keep the pace really relaxed, try and think about breathing consistently throughout. Enjoy it! During this session I have to run at a 12.57 min/mile pace which is 4.6mph. Although this pace is supposed to be easy… I somewhat struggle or at least I think I

28th July 2024:- Long Run – 30 minutes

Long Run:- 30 minutes (2.31 miles)….. that’s the plan for today. I’m not sure why they have to call it a Long Run…. when it is only 2.31miles!! I have decided to run on the treadmill for the time being…. Although I would prefer to be outdoors I just can’t seem to get the pacing