12th August 2024:- Not Quite Sure What The Plan Was!

Well…. yesterday I was supposed to run 45 minutes and today I was supposed to run 35 minutes Easy. Not sure why but I thought the plan today was 25 minutes Easy! I finally head out of the door and go for a run outside rather than running on the treadmill. It took me forever to get out tonight after work as my legs are tired from 4 squash matches yesterday and from being at work…. Plus I got bitten on my arm on my way home from work and now it is all red and itchy…

Oh the excuses have arrived but hey at least I am getting out of the door. So in my head I think… I will do the 45 minutes.. I am out so why not. This quickly changed to OMG… This is such hard work. How on earth am I going to manage running for such a long time. Calm down Louise.. You have done it once you can do it again.. Plus you haven’t even started your marathon training yet… this is just pre-marathon training! Everyone is at different stages along the journey to Marathon Day. So just go at your own pace.

Jorge has come running with me again tonight. It is great having him run alongside me but sometimes it is difficult when you both have different strategies for running but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Note to self:- if you are going to run outdoors… have a rough idea of a plan as to where you are going to run! I miss running in Herne Bay. It was so nice running along the beach or the local streets and parks as I knew the area and where the major hills were.. In Croydon I have no idea. One minute, I am running through a nice park and then along quiet residential roads and then boom I am on the main road with blinking car fumes!

My legs are really achy and I appear to be super unfit!! I can’t stop scratching my arm either from where I was bitten. It is now really hot to touch and getting redder… That’s not because the rest of my body is hot this is hot on a whole new level. God.. I am only 22 minutes in and I am like can I go home now? There is no way I am running for 45 minutes… So I tell myself just do 25 and then you can stop. I am a bit gutted as I stopped just short of 30 minutes and I did feel good as I thought I had run more than the 25 minutes I thought I had to run today as my choices were either 45 or 25! But whoopsie… If I wasn’t going to do the 45 minute run that I was supposed to do yesterday then I would do today’s run… but alas it was supposed to be 35 minutes rather than 25. I still had to walk for ages home.

Tonight’s Run

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