11th August 2024:- Canterbury Open Graded Squash Tournament

Well…. there is not much to report on about today’s squash other than… I turned up!! hahaha Squash can be so frustrating to play like many other sports. I feel as though I am at my fittest I have been in a long long time yet my performance was so poor. But that is the way the cookie crumbles. It was lovely to catch up with friends and players that I have not seen in a long time. So it was definitely worth the effort of going!

It is also nice to put something back into the system. I offered advice/coaching for a couple of adults and juniors between their matches. It is so much easier to encourage someone else’s game/performance. I need to remember to hit the length before I take the ball in short as I often found that I was doing this and then being completely out of position. Although I have said I am at my fittest I have been in a long long time… squash fitness is completely different from most other sports that I play or have played over the years.

At some point, I will need to go back to squash specific training, this relates to both fitness wise and also racket skills. I was doing both of this just prior to getting my place in the London Marathon and it was making a big difference to my game and I felt that I was at that turning point from getting absolutely stuffed 2-0 or 3-0 and losing 2-1 or in some cases 3-2. Mind you I am not sure which is worst…. getting completely stuffed or running round so much that you feel as though you are going to throw up to lose!!

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