14th August 2024:- The Victoria

Today’s run was quite challenging as I have to run at a faster pace than my usual plod along but it is only for 4 minutes and then I get a two minute recovery pace.

…….And we are off to a nice little start with a 10 minutes Warm-Up. This is a great time to just settle into the run. It still makes me giggle that the Warm-Up is faster than my Recovery Pace but at least I now understand the logic behind why it is faster.

When I say it’s only for 4 minutes… who am I kidding… the first 2-3 minutes at the faster pace seem ok and then boy oh boy.. it hits you like you have been hit by a 10 tonne truck. Everything hurts… lungs, legs, pride.. yes pride… why I have no idea why my pride is hurting. Don’t worry.. I keep telling myself you get to go at a slower pace real soon. When I say I am running at a faster pace… it may not be fast for you but it is for me… This is something that I have to remind myself. I am not racing against anyone else, in fact I am not even racing against myself but for some strange reason, I always want to go faster than what the pace/speed is I am supposed to be running at. It makes no difference especially so early into my training as it is all about the time on my feet.

REEEELLLLAAAAAXXXXXX…… wahoo that is the first set of four minutes done. Wow, now I have just written that some people run a mile in 4 minutes. Not only do they run 1 mile at that pace but they keep it up for the staggering 26.2 miles. I am in total awe of the hard work and commitment many athletes put into their training to reach their goals. I am not just talking about in terms of running but all sports in general.

Round 2 of work feels easier than the first one. I am not sure if it is because I have distracted myself by looking at the people in the swimming pool or that I know 4 minutes in a longer time than I thought it was or if it is because I have my breathing under control and I am not longer sounding like a steam train… I probably do sound as though I am one but as far as I am concerned I am not and that is what matters. I am feeling strong and relaxed.

Yes, yes, yes another little recovery run. These two minutes fly by!! Before I know it I am back to running at the faster pace for round 3. OK… so we are back to OMG my lungs are going to collapse on me… just remind yourself as to why you are doing this… These harder runs are going to make your gentle plods feel a lot easier… Not only that you are doing this so you can run 26.2 miles and let people know about the Charlie Kristensen Foundation. During my training runs, I wear my Cheer Up Charlie t-shirt and my unicorn shorts. It helps me remember that I also want to make a difference and support Charlie in his campaign to stop bullying.

Time to slow down and think only one more to go. You can do it. I look across at Jorge who is running on the treadmill next to me. He probably has no idea how grateful I am to have him by me. He is so encouraging, caring and supportive. He even stays on his machine longer than what he probably wanted to as my time for today’s session is 44 minutes.

Dig deep Gregory… You have this the last final push. I know you don’t want to do it but you CAN and WILL do it. BOOOOMMM…. it is all over (for now). Recovery and Cool-down and then you can chill in the pool.

The Victoria Workout Results

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