9th August 2024:- The Tokyo- 5 x 3 Minute Efforts, 90 Second Recovery

OMG…. super excited my new CheerUpCharlie running tops have arrived. I actually cannot wait to do my run today just so that I can show the world them! I may regret saying that when it actual comes to doing my run or more to the point during it!

The Tokyo training run is another interval session and continues to get me used to working harder for longer! During this session I will be working for 42 minutes and 30 seconds and I am supposed to cover 3.27 miles with an average pace of 13 minutes per mile.

The Warm-Up is 10 minutes at 4.2mph…. It’s not bad. I really should just stick to this pace but oh no… I do it again. I increase the speed. Only by 0.3mph why oh why do I not just leave it at the set pace I do not know.. Well I kind of do as in my head I think there is no way that I will manage the faster sessions for 3 minutes, therefore if I can go a little faster in the warm-up, I will make up for lost ground that will occur towards the end of the session. I really need to get out of my headspace and fully commit to the plan.

And we are off….. 5.6mph for 3 minutes… Oh this isn’t too bad, I can do this. You have got this Gregory. It is just one foot in front of the other. Don’t touch the buttons… leave the alone. Wow 3 minutes is a really long time. Seriously.. 3 minutes. Get a grip Louise on Marathon Day you could potentially be running for over 6 hours!! So 3 minutes at the moment is nothing compared to what you have got to do. But this is just early days in my training plan.. Come on… You are doing so well already. Just think you struggled to run for 1 minute the other week and now look at you… You have this!

Yes yes yes… Recovery time here we come. A nice little jog at 3.8mph for 1.5 minutes. Before you know, I am having to push the button to increase the speed again! The second run seems to be a little easier than the first one. It is as though I am more settled and also I start to think about controlling my breath and implementing running techniques that I have been shown. I am sure this will all go out of the window again.

Half way during round 4 I am starting to struggle but hey I am still moving and it all counts.

The last final push of the final workout… why? oh why on earth am I putting myself through this soooo soon. Maybe I should change the plan that I am on. I am currently working on a 10k training plan.. I skipped 5K as I thought I have started Couch to 5K soooo many times. I would like to say that I did actually complete it twice. Plus I have been playing padel and squash so why not make it a little bit more challenging. I think I should increase the time that I want to complete my 10K in as realistically I don’t think I am fit enough to run at that pace yet. Time to get out of my headspace and think it is about the development and growth. You can’t expect to pick up where you left of running years and years ago. You are 10+ years older. We won’t even manage how many KGs heavier. I am a great believer that this is my starting point and to look at where I am going and how far I have got during the current period/timeframe that I have set myself. So I remind myself that I could barely support the life of a small fish when I started training and now look at me. I have managed to run/jog/run for over 40 minutes.

The Tokyo Workout Results

Get ready for the next photo…. This is key awesome running top. Friends and family will definitely be able to spot me amongst all those other runners on Marathon Day!

Oh Oh Oh….. I love my new CheerupChalie running kit

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