Saturday 8th December 2024:- Strength and Conditioning Session

I was supposed to do this session yesterday but I decided to change the days around as I was worried that it would have been too much after playing padel for 1.5 hours and then having to drive home to Kent for the annual Panto campout!

The first exercise… I really really struggled with….It is Single Leg Squat to High Box…. for this I literally was balancing on one leg and gave a little bend in the knee! In future… I will get out the TRX, that way it will support me and offer me some form of stability whilst I build up the surrounding muscles.
Moving onto Double Leg Hamstring Bridges… I did extras of these to make up for the first exercise! Followed by Toe Taps. Then Band Walks and last but not least the plank… All of these had the aim to start building my base strength! There is a lot of building that will need to happen!

At least today’s session was a quick session as I only completed 2 circuits…. It did say ‘if you’re feeling like you’ve got the strength already then we are happy for you to do a third circuit. I took this as my ‘get out of jail card for free’ and to stick with just two circuits as I definitely do not have the strength already!

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