Saturday 5th October 2024:- Yes! Yes! Yes! Another Awesome Run:-25 minutes

I was having a bit of a lazy day today after such a wonderful day out with Jorge. I was quite happy to just chill at home and relax. I did think about going to the Spa for a chill but if I am honest with myself… I was too lazy to drive there… get change plus I would have to go for my run..

I know I would feel good if I just got on with it but I didn’t have the best night’s sleep so I was delaying as much as I could. I did the whole scrolling on Instagram and I came across this post..

This was the motivation that I needed today to make sure I got out there and ran. I still delayed it but I knew just seeing this post I was definitely going to get out there and run.

I am so happy that I can play a small part in helping Charlie and his foundation by running the London Marathon. As you probably know by now, I absolutely think that Charlie is a remarkable young person who is wanting to make a real change and support others from bullying. Not only support the young people that are bullied but to also educate the bullies that their actions and words can impact on a young person’s life.

Today’s run was 5 minutes in Zone 1 followed by 20 minutes in Zone 2. I made sure I warmed up properly before I went out for my run..and no surprises it made a massive difference.

I managed to run a lot faster in Zone 2…I had to slow down a little as my Heart Rate did start to creep up into Zone 3 but that was when I was going up little inclines. I was impressed that I was able to manage it fairly quickly and get back into the correct Zone.

I managed to run 1.82 miles during my allocated time with an average pace of 13.35 minutes/mile. Tonight’s run was the same as Wednesday, although I did not run the same route, I’m still impressed that I improved my average pace as on Wednesday night it was 15.50 minutes/mile.

Today, I received a lovely photo and message from a good old Rugby Uni Mate….

The message said “You inspired me to be better about actually doing some cardio”.

Little does Charlie know she has inspired me over the years when she goes for her runs as she has to juggle married life, work and two young children.

It was a great reminder how you can impact someone’s life without knowing. I hope that I will be able to inspire others to get out there and run or do whatever makes them happy.

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