Sunday 6th October 2024:- Endurance Run

What a great end to the week… Even though I was working the time flew by. The lovely Ana who sadly will be leaving soon, kindly offered to do my nails.

The photo does not do her great work justice… There is glitter in the red which was. to go with my theme of the red sparkly shoes Dorothy wears in the Wizard of Oz!

I arrive home and I have a quick cup of tea and change into my running kit. I am loving having so many different coloured CheerUpCharlie! T-shirts to choose from but I opt for an electric colour as it will probably start to get dark during my run.

Tonight’s run is an Endurance Run… It is the usual 5 minutes Warm-Up in Heart Rate 1 followed by 40 minutes in Zone 2.

So I head out of the door I have a rough idea of where I am going to run but who knows if it will go according to plan. I sometimes wish I did not live at the bottom of a hill… As soon as I head out of the door I am faced with going up hill.. I decide to head towards the side gate and then run towards the park… I never take the front door key with me which is also the key to go through the gate but booo the gate is locked so it means that I have no choice but to go up the hill. Luckily, the first 5 minutes are the warm up so I don’t really have to run up the hill but it’s either a gentle jog or a fast walk depending how fast my heart decides it wants to beat.

It is nice and cool on my run this evening as it is that fine mist of drizzle rain. I actually quite enjoy running in the rain.. not sure why but I love it. I know I have said it about a million times already but I really do love running at this slow pace. Not having to push myself as much as I used to. It is so much kinder on my body. It also gives me the opportunities to look around and take it the houses around me. I could run to the park but I don’t fancy running on such uneven surfaces. The road for now appears to be kinder to my knees and ankles.

Before I know it I am heading back home… and whoopsie I forgot to turn down a side road so I end up running along the main road and finish by run before I arrive back home. I could quite easily carry on running home but I am sticking to the plan. It is actually nice to continue walking home. It makes me feel that I can carry on further the next time with my run when it increases again.

45 minutes later and 3.1 miles covered with an average of 14.27 min/mile. If the warm-up wasn’t included this time would actually be faster but I am not fussed about how fast I am running for me it is about forming a habit early on of running throughout the week and getting an endurance run in on the weekend.

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