Friday 4th October 2024:- What An Awesome Day. Run and Date Day/Night with Jorge

My legs were screaming at me today… Not today but I really wanted to run… I started my run but I quickly stopped as I listened to my body as my legs were saying… Nope they are not going to work… it doesn’t matter how slow I run they just do not want to do it…

I decided to jump on the bike in the gym instead…. At the end of the day, my heart has no idea if I am running or not… Within the first few minutes.. no little niggles in my legs have started to go. I keep pedalling for a little while longer and then I do a proper warm-up…. Lessons learnt…. always remember to do a warm-up before I start training. I have no idea why I don’t do this. I should really know better from all my junior years of playing squash as we would have to warm-up before we started training… As an adult…. ok an ‘older adult’ it is probably even more important to warm-up and loosen my hips.

I am back on plan….. 5:minutes in Zone 1; 5 minutes in Zone 2; 6 x 1 minutes in Zone 4/2 minutes in Zone 2 and finally 10:00 in Zone 1.

My heart rate didn’t always go back down to Zone 2 between the runs but I didn’t feel as though I was running any harder or faster. I am not sure if I should literally walk fast to bring my heart rate down quicker or just carry on at this stage. I guess it is a case of trial and error. I pushed myself to get into the heart rate 4; at one stage I was thinking I am not sure if my legs will be able to run at this speed, especially if I am supposed to maintain this pace for 15 minutes.

Wahoooo 2.48 miles done and now to spend some time in the spa with Jorge… By the way, he ran as well but he finished before me as I spent time cycling before my run.

Today was an awesome day…. I had planned a surprise for Jorge this evening which was a theatre trip but I needed to put him of the scent throughout the day.

We started the afternoon at Twist Museum which we had a great time and there were so many photo opportunities!! Here are a few photos from our fun time out…

Our date day continues……

The final surprise… certainly lived up to everything I was expecting and more!!

Each night a completely new adventure awaits – depending on how the author’s words compel each actor to perform. Internationally acclaimed White Rabbit Red Rabbit, by Iranian writer Nassim Soleimanpour, is a theatrical adventure embracing comedy and tragedy. This is due to each evening there is a different actor that ‘performs’, there is no rehearsal, no director. When they arrive they find two glasses on a table on the stage and a chair with a red envelope sealed with the script. I am not going to say too much about it apart you…. YOU MUST SIMPLY GO AND SEE IT!!

My Choice of Actor….

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