27th September 2024:- Fun Day: Padel in the morning, lunch with friends, Squash Match and Fartlek Run

Wow what a busy busy day but it has been super fun. I spent the morning finishing off a module for my course then I headed out of the door to play padel for a couple of hours. Had lunch with some friends. Came home for a little afternoon nap before I headed out of the day again to play a squash match.

I so needed that nap otherwise I don’t think I would have managed to play my squash match tonight. I played a junior who has improved so much since the last time I played her… and she did not stop roughing. I had to use my experience of game play to make her move to all areas of the court. There was no stopping her…. she just kept running and running and running. I could have gone for winners but it was more enjoyable to keep the rallies going.

I opted to run outdoors tonight for my Fartlek Run. Tonight’s plan was to run in Zone 1 for 5 minutes and then 5 minutes in Zone 2. This was followed by the main session of running 6 lots of 20 seconds in Zone 5 with a 1 minute 40 seconds floating run between and to finish the session a gentle 10 minutes in Zone 1.

Jorge joined me once again for my run… he does his own thing whilst I am out running and he knows roughly where I am going to run. It is great knowing that he is around especially as it is starting to get dark now. Mind you, I do feel safe when I am out running… it is more about if I injure myself as every now and again, I think about the time when I broke my leg and I was in the middle of nowhere and I had to call my sister to come and collect me. It took me ages to walk a short distance across the cliff top to get to a car park (At this stage…. I didn’t know I had broken my leg!)

I need to try and push harder in the shorter burst… I seem to be able to run faster when I set the pace on the treadmill but outside… my legs do not seem to want to run fast!! I am sure the more I do it I will get faster but for now I will have to try harder to run faster for the shorter bursts.

Wahooo…. new t-shirt for night running!! You won’t be able to miss me in this!

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