24th July 2024:- The Berlin:- 6 x 1 minute on/1 minute off

No idea why it is called ‘The Berlin’ but hey hoe… The aim of this run was to introduce me to speed workouts and get my body used to this style of training. I am built more for comfort rather than speed! I keep telling myself we all have to start somewhere and this is part of my start so it will be OK.

I am supposed to get comfortable running a ‘speed session’… These kind of sessions are key for hitting my goals later on so now is the perfect time to learn how to pace myself during multiple efforts and being consistent as I possibly can….. Treadmill it is for these sessions…

Warm- Up for 10 minutes…. at ???? MPH…. This was faster than what I was anticipating especially as my recovery pace was ??? MPH but it does make sense to me now as to why the paces were they way they were but at the time the lightbulb moment did not turn on!!

And we are off……. 1 minute at ?? MPH… So far so good…. I can do this… Not sure I would be able to keep this pace for a Marathon though!! Have a word with yourself… Louise… This is Week 1 of many…. You are just building the base at the moment. It’s all about building up some base level fitness that will help me tackle the harder training sessions that will come later (hopefully they will be much much later!) yeah and 1 minute recovery.

5 more of these to go…. Keep going… You can do this! Dig in deep….. the 4th one…. I am starting to feel it now but I will finish it off.

Boom all done and dusted and just 10 minutes at the faster pace again!!

The Berlin Workout Results

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