I was debating whether to run or not today as I had a slight twinge in my hip and glutes today but I have looked after them with massaging them and doing some gentle exercises. It no longer hurts so I thought you know what…. let’s go for it and if it even slightly hurts I will stop straight away. None of this nonsense of trying to run through it.
The session starts with a nice gentle warm-up for 10 minutes. Whilst I am on the treadmill… Jorge is cycling. He makes me laugh as you can soooo tell he does not really want to be here! But he is!

Ten minutes actually flew by quite quickly tonight… it is probably because I am moving at such a slow pace! But before I know it the pace has increased to 5.8 mph. I am quite surprised that I can keep up with this pace.. I am not sure that I will be able to hold it for 4 minutes for 5 rounds though. However, I will give it a damn good attempt! I have a little giggle to myself as I actually sound like a herd of elephants but then I change something in my running style.. If only I could remember what it was but I actually feel lighter on my feet and there does not seem to be as much force going through my joints as normal.
….. and breathe…. slow down. I can actually walk the recovery pace but I decide to do a really slow jog. It is amazing how quickly your 2 minutes recovery section goes but when you struggle on the 4 minute work out and you still have 2 minutes left to go it seems like a lifetime!
Off we go for another 4 minutes at the faster pace. This continues for a further 3 bursts and then a slow 10 minute cooldown.
At times, when I find it difficult I like to remember my WHY? Why am I running the London Marathon? Who am I running for? Why do I want to run for them? This is all I need to keep myself motivated and to continue.
It is true that you do need to find your why? I have a soundtrack on my playlist which is Charlie giving a speech at the Princess Diana Awards where he says
you are fat, you are stupid, you are gay, only ponces dance…… go kill yourself
These are some of the words that were said to him. He was 9 years old when he gave this speech. Not only did his form of bullying take place by words but he was also hit, punched, winded, thrown to the floor and chased and made to cry. This was all because he loved all things of Musical Theatre. He loves to sing, dance and act. He mentions that one day he will be on the West End Stage and he has certainly made his entrance when he started his Foundation with a Charity Gala Night no other than the West End!
It makes me so happy that he did not listen to those bullies and that he is still here doing what he loves. He posted this week that he auditioned and is now off to New York in the summer…. I am super pleased and proud of Charlie
So my reasons why makes it easier to push myself to finish the 5 sets and boom I have covered 3.92 miles.