Sunday 13th October 2024:- Endurance Run 40 minutes

Today is my first run since I was nearly eaten alive by the escalator at London Bridge. To be honest, I am not 100% sure if it is too early to go for a run as I still have a bit of swelling behind my knee and my back and side still ache a little. I am going with the view if it is too soon, I will just turn around and walk back or at least go for a 40 minute walk.

The plan is to Warm-Up for 5 minutes in Zone 1 followed by a run in Zone 2 for 35 minutes. I have planned the route in my head as it is a route that I have previously ran. Jorge is coming with me tonight as well which is great as he is also wanting to get fit but it is nice that he is supportive of my crazy adventures and he is so encouraging. It makes me giggle that he is able to walk some of the run whilst I just shuffle along at a slow pace. I know I could also walk and keep my heart rate in Zone 2 but if I did that I would not get used to the running and would struggle further along the training plan as I would not see my time/pace improving. I know I have mentioned it before but at this stage I am not fussed about my pace/speed. It is all about believing and following the plan. The results will come later…. Or at least that is what I am hoping will happen.

We head off up the hill… I am walking this. To be honest, I am thinking maybe it is too early to be going for a run as my knee is sore with just walking fast up the hill. The thoughts running through my head, if this is how it feels like walking what on earth is it going to be like when I actually run on it. The pain seemed to remain the same but the incline of the terrain is not as steep. This seems to make a difference before I know it… I am on my gentle run and the pain is quickly disappearing and now I am thinking wahoo I am so glad that I am testing my body.

15 minutes in and I am still going strong.. I know this is only 10 minutes of running but even so it’s not too bad. I can still feel slight twinges but nothing compared to how it was. I think going for this run is gently making my joints less stiff. I thought I would struggle with breathing and my lungs would feel the strain but nope… all is good. I guess this is due to the slow pace I am running at tonight. I am not pushing myself at all and just going with the flow and enjoying it. Every now and again I get in my head… god this is embarrassing to be running this slow but I quickly forget those thoughts and remind myself of the principles of 80/20 Endurance Training.

My head is back in the game and I am thinking this is so much easier than the last time I did my endurance run. I know I am running 5 minutes less than my last one but the fact that I have missed out on some of my runs this week, I thought I would struggle but nope… all is good. I am still pleased that I did pull out of my squash tournament this weekend as I don’t think my body would have coped with 4 games of squash in one day. Plus the movement is so different from this gentle plod around the streets of Croydon. The squash matches I would have spent most of my time in Heart Rate Zones 4 and 5. Plus there would have been so much twisting and turning with the directional changes in movement around the court. At least my dead arm effect has subsided now as well. As yesterday, I think I would have struggled at times to hold the racket.

And just like that 40 minutes are up!! I am not sure where the time went but it went pretty quickly compared to my pace… but that’s not saying much!

It feels as though tonight’s run came with a warning as to what is about to happen next week!!

I am not sure if I want to have a look at what is in stored for me yet…. but at least tomorrow is a rest day!! However, I may do some form of yoga for runners or strength and conditioning. But we shall see as to how I am feeling after today’s run as although I feel perfectly fine tonight this may all change tomorrow morning/night!

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