19th September 2024:- 30 minutes in Heart Zone 2

Today’s goal was to run in Heart Rate Zone 2. It is so hard to slow down and run by your heart rate and not with your heart/head and running at a hard pace! I believe that it is definitely the way forward to take slow easy runs as it will be more beneficial in the long term but when you can walk at the pace that you are running it is difficult to get your head around it. Mind you to walk at the pace as my so called run my heart would beat a lot faster so I totally understand why I am doing it.

I felt as though I could have just carried on running and running at this pace. Normally when I have been running, I have been pushing myself to run fast at a pace that I was running about 12 years ago… Seriously, why on earth do I think that I can run at a pace where I left off?

I have no idea if during my training I will ever be able to run at a fast pace but we will just have to wait and see and trust the process. Marathon training hasn’t officially started. However, I have now set myself a little goal of running a 10K on 15th December. Training for that will start next week but for now I shall just practice running at the ‘Easy Pace in Zone 2’.

I am struggling with the fact that I only covered 2 miles in 30 minutes but like I said I am going to roll with it for the time being. I know pace will get better later on when I start to introduce some speed work etc. I have been reading 80/20 endurance running and am now starting to apply it to my own training.

At least it was nice and sunny whilst I was out running today. It was great to be in the outdoors, especially when there was a nice little breeze down one side of the field.

After I finished my run, I was half way through a loop so I carried on walking for another 13 minutes… Mind you I did walk past the car during my walk just so that I could finish what I was listening to.

I was listening to Time To Walk and the first song that came on was Proud by Heather Small.

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It’s never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

You know what… I am so proud of myself to be taking on this challenge of running a marathon. I know it will get tough during the training but I am proud to be running for the Charlie Kristensen Foundation. Today I felt great whilst I was out running as there were several older people sitting on benches around the park and I just gave them a smile and a little ‘hello’ as I ran past. They responded with hello and you could see their faces light up. On my second lap of the park, they were still there and they told me I was doing well.

I ask you the same question… What have you done to make you feel proud today?

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