Thursday 6th February 2024:- 35 minute Easy Run

Super excited today…. as I am heading into London today to have a gait analysis done as I need new trainers.

 As I arrive at Run and Become.. there are several other runners running up and down the street whilst they are being watched by a member of staff checking out there running gait.

I entered the shop looking a little nervous as I have a bit of imposter syndrome going on at the moment but within seconds I am totally chilled and relaxed. You take a medal and it has a number on it so you know when it is your turn to be seen.

When my time arrived.. I was asked to roll up my trouser legs and I ran outside in my trainers whilst I was being watched by the member of staff. I was asked if I had an injury and my initial thoughts was ‘how rude!’ but I don’t blame them for asking as I run with a bit of a limp! I explained about my dodgy knees. We headed back into the shop and then I had to perform some squats. I know my knees go inwards when I perform this movement but I have been working hard on developing my muscles in my legs again. It makes me laugh that you do all of these strength and conditioning exercises as part of your rehab during an injury but then as soon as you are better you don’t continue with this kind of exercise… OK it maybe only me that does this but it is something that I am not going to focus upon when I play whatever sport I opt to compete in or whatever crazy challenge that I decide to participate it. It is even more important the older I am becoming especially as I am turning half a century this year!!

Back outside I go to try my first pair of trainers on…. I tried about 4-5 different trainers… I was torn between Asics and Brooks but I opted for the Brooks even though I was not 100% sure.

In the evening…. I went for a quick run in the gym on our street to ‘test them out’.

Just a little 2.62 miles as it was an Easy 35 minutes Relaxed Run tonight!!

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