5th August 2024:- Belated run from Saturday!!

I was supposed to run on Saturday but I went to the beach instead…. Mind you my original plan was to run along the beach but by the time I got there, I just didn’t fancy running so I didn’t!!

Today… I started the day with an awesome game of Padel…. it is great to be outdoors exercising and having fun and even better when you win!! WAHHOO!!! When I got home, I decided to go for a quick swim in the pool… again I wouldn’t call this a swim.. It was more of a float and running in the water to get my legs ready for a run later on today.

Quick Swim

Running Time:- Here we go…. we have this.. I am so lucky to have Jorge joining me with my runs in those gym… He does his own thing on the treadmill next to me and I stick with the game plan. Today’s plan is run for 40 minutes… Luckily it is at a slow pace of 4.6mph. I am thinking no way can I run for that length of time… The reason behind this is because last week I struggled to run for 2 minutes. I know it was at a faster pace but even so I don’t think I am ready to run non-stop for 40 minutes but I will give it ago.

After 17 minutes, I start to get bored. I am not tired or anything just bored of running. I start thinking it would be so much nicer and easier if I run outside but I know I would struggle with pacing myself naturally at the moment. I also have to get out of my headspace in thinking that I am supposed to run 3 miles during this 40 minutes session as half of me thinks I will speed up so that I can finish quicker. The reality kicks in… ‘Who are you kidding Gregory? You are going to be running 26.2 miles and it is going to take you a lot longer than 40 minutes so you better get used to running for longer period of time!!’

Just before 25 minutes, I start to think…. this 40 minutes run was from Saturday and today’s official run is only 25 minutes… Maybe I should just run for 25 minutes and then call it a day. Luckily for me and my random shuffle of music… My ‘Find Your Why?’ came on…. This is Charlie talking when he was 9 years old about his experiences and how he wanted to make a different. This was enough motivation to keep me going.

Before I knew it….. Boom 40 minutes in the bag and 3.08 miles done.

Long Run -40 minutes Workout Results
Feeling well chuffed with myself
Yeah we both did it!!

Naturally, we rewarded ourselves with another outdoor swim/float…. oh and KFC!! Diet of Champions.. hahaha

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